Course Categories

Hands On Courses

Our hands-on courses are designed to teach kids the skills we all wish we had at an earlier age! From your first car, to cooking, and how to fix your house, these are true “life skills!”

Business & Tech Courses

It is never to early to take control over your financial future, and we teach kids to do just that, through our business & investing courses! And for the techie…. learning to build your own computer is one of the coolest things you can do!

Science Courses

The worst thing that can happen is that kids find science to be boring… it is the furthest thing from that! We bring back the love for science through courses that showcase the beauty in the wild world!

High School Math

Most kids say they “hate math,” but with Nexbooks… that is no longer the case! With engaging videos, and super clear explanations, kids are thriving in our math courses!

These are our high school offerings.

Middle School Math

Middle school is the time at which kids decide whether or not they like math… so it is super important to not lose them here. With engaging videos, and super clear explanations, middle school kids are loving our math!

These are our middle school offerings

Elementary School Math

A good foundation in elementary school can make a huge difference in how kids feel about math moving forward! With engaging videos, and super clear explanations, kids are thriving in our math courses!

These are our elementary school offerings